For buyers seriously interested in one of our REGISTERED puppies please complete the below questions and email us at smitty1953@live.ca. This will enable us to learn about our buyers and what they are looking for from a puppy. We are looking for matches where both the family and puppy will be happy.
Buyer Questionnaire
Questionnaire should be returned to my personal email address: smitty1953@live.ca
Applicant Information:
Full Legal Name:
Date of Applying:
Email address Phone number:
Best time to call:
Have the primary/adult members of the household discussed getting a puppy and all agreed? It is important to discuss if this is the right time to get a puppy and agree on getting an Australian Shepherd.
How many people live in your household? Please include ages:
Do you have children and what are their ages? If you have children are you willing to review articles on how your child and puppy/dog should interact. Aussies are not always suited to families with small children as they are a herding dogs and have herding instincts.
Is the puppy meant for a gift/surprise for someone?
Do you own any other dogs/pets? (Please list as: Name – Breed/Mix – Age – Altered/Intact):
What type of housing do you live in?
Do you rent or own?:
If you rent have you approved a dog/puppy with your landlord?
Do you have a fenced yard?:
If not, what accommodations are you going to your puppy gets adequate exercise and in a safe environment?:
Do you understand that this/any puppy will require training from the basics up such as house breaking and obedience training?:
What attracted you to the Australian Shepherd breed?:
In your own words, describe what you feel Australian Shepherd are like (temperament, activity level and behavior):
What are your expectations from a puppy? (General temperament, goals you'd like to achieve, etc.):
Are you aware of how important socialization is for an Australian Shepherd?
Do you agree to a non-breeding contact and to spay/neuter the puppy?
Are you wanting a male or a female?
Do you have a color/pattern preference? We do not guarantee eye color.
Do you have any questions for us?